Automate Vehicle Inspections with AI

This solution employ computer visual analysis for damage detection on vehicles, eliminating the requirement for physical inspections. Our integrated vehicle inspection system provides a comprehensive solution for inspections across diverse automobile and vehicle insurance industries.

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Everything you need to build your automobile insurance product


Enhanced VIN

This VIN Recognition APIs are a set of AI-powered solutions for enhanced vehicle onboarding and vehicle price prediction that helps to accelerate processing, save time and resources, and improve customer experience.

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AI Damage

This AI Damage Detection software automates vehicle inspection, thereby eliminating the need for physical inspection. It also helps to verify claims, hence accelerating insurance applications and claims handling, as well as improving customer experience.

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Enabled Image

This Vehicle Image Modelling SDK is fine-tuned for the purpose of simplifying claims processing as well as verifying claims, thereby helping with fraud detection of reported claims, analyze vehicle history, and flag potential issues.

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Get started now with this automated damage detection solution

Integrable with any application or system, to help accelerate insurance applications, accelerate claims handling, eliminate manual inspection, and improve customer experience altogether.

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